
Johannesburg, South Africa on January 27, 1928

Letter from Anderson Chimbaza to the Director of Native Affairs, 27 January 1928, in South African National Archives, Pretoria GNLB 417 81/21 ‘Employment of Tropical Natives on Mines: Part II: Individual Applications’ (1926-1930)

Between 1909 and 1927, Jameson worked on numerous gold and coal mines in Johannesburg, Witbank and Middelburg. In 1928, he applied to continue underground mine work. Unusually, he forwarded his application to the Government Native Labour Bureau through Anderson Chimbaza of the Nyasaland Native National Congress (NNNC). The NNNC had emerged in Johannesburg during 1918, protesting restrictions on the free movement of Malawian workers and their employment on the mines. Chimbaza was a former mine worker who deserted in 1904.

27 Cornelius Street


[with a stamp of the Nyasaland Native Congress, Head Office, Johannesburg]

Honour of Director of Native Affairs Department,



The honour to beg you mercifully and to the Department.

The Bearer Jameson has been working underground from 1908 to 1927 Rand Colliery Brakpan, New Reitfontein, Germiston and also Witbank Middelburg District, Anglo French Colliery, Middelburg Main Colliery, Landau Co Colliery and Delagoa Bay Colliery he just left 1927, mine no 39800.

My lordship we are asking you if you can allow him to working underground because always he working underground so we desire you mercy that you can help him.

We have the honour to be Sir,

Yours obedient servants

Anderson Chimbaza

Founder of Congress

133768 M/Gton

From 18/11/15; 16/8/16; 17/4/17;3/4/18