Elias Chisenga

Johannesburg, South Africa on July 1929

Interview by H.G. Falwasser

Subjects - Maphunziro:

Statement in South African National Archives, Pretoria GNLB 417 81/21 ‘Employment of Tropical Natives on Mines: Part II: Individual Applications’ (1926-1930).

Born in Chinteche, Elias Chisenga arrived in Johannesburg during 1923, masquerading as a Mozambican WNLA recruit to gain employment as a cleaner and miner. Between 1925 and 1928, he repeatedly moved back and forth between South Africa and Chinteche, before applying for re-employment on the Johannesburg mines in mid-1929.

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Born in Chinteche, Elias Chisenga arrived in Johannesburg during 1923, masquerading as a Mozambican WNLA recruit to gain employment as a cleaner and miner. Between 1925 and 1928, he repeatedly moved back and forth between South Africa and Chinteche, before applying for re-employment on the Johanensburg mines in mid-1929.
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Born in Chinteche, Elias Chisenga arrived in Johannesburg during 1923, masquerading as a Mozambican WNLA recruit to gain employment as a cleaner and miner. Between 1925 and 1928, he repeatedly moved back and forth between South Africa and Chinteche, before applying for re-employment on the Johanensburg mines in mid-1929.

I Elias Chisenga, son of Jumba, S.C. 589605 M/J, 534571 M/J, lost coy no:4183 of Chigwazale of Chintechi, B.N.P. do hereby make statement and declare:-

That I came to the Goldfields from home via Beira where I was brought to Johannesburg with the East Coast Boys recruited for mines in 1923, and was registered to the Wolhuter Gold Mine as such. I worked on that mine as a compound sweeper, and a year after, I left the mine and sought work in town.

That as I could not find work in town, I was re-employed on the same mine for underground work as a Drill Carrier till the beginning of 1925 when I returned home.

That when I was registered the second time, my nationality was shown as a Blantyre, as it was found out that I was of that nationality by the Pass Office. Owing the same year I returned home to Nyasaland and returned to the Union at the beginning of 1928, when I bought out a fresh pass from home. On my arrival in Johannesburg, I had all my papers stolen from me and I reported myself to the Pass Office where I was detained for three days, and thereafter given a special to look for work.

That I was never registered by any other name but that of Elias Chisenga. I applied to the Compound Manager Wolhuter G. Mine, and he arranged my re-employment on the Mines. That is all I know.

Elias Chisenga, his X mark

Witness: Wm Bell [application approved]